World Stem Cell Institute is a scientific organization established to perform stem research, educate the general public, and patient Funding

I have been studying and preforming research on stem cell since 1962 after seeing a movie  in a college genetics class which showed the development of a chick. It showed under an electronic microscope how stem cells created ever part of the chick. You saw the stem cells first creating the primitive strike and then going on to developing the brain, heart, etc.. It was magnificent!! I developed in my mind at that point that the right stem cells could not only repair but replace organs and extend life. Over the last 5 years I have found what I believe is a cell line that will do just that and need your help to move forward. All the goals below may be accomplished  with this discovery and development of a new cell line.

Your DONATIONS will allow us to purchase additional Research equipment needed to accomplish our goals below:


  1.    Autism (ASD) ProgramAutism Stem Cell Research is part of the goals and objectives of World Stem Cell Institute to create a better quality of life for autistic children.
  2.     Preemie Program– Our goal is to be able to continue stem cell input until the Preemie baby reaches equivalent to minimum of 32 week gestation period which will reduces the effects of  the multitude of diseases they may endure and save society billions.
  3.     Aids/HIV Program–World Stem Cell Institute are developing a stem cell line, an adult stem cell line with pluripotent stem cells possibilities. There has been several patients with HIV who received allogeneic stem cell transplants for myeloid leukemia from a donor who had CCR5 delta32 mutation that makes stem cells naturally resistant to HIV infection
  4.      (AMD) and Fuchs’ disease Program–The funds DONATED to World Stem Cell Institute for (AMD) and Fuchs’ disease will be used to improve the present stem cell treatments, research for new stem cell lines, sources and methods to treat (AMD) and Fuchs’ disease , clinical trials and to help provide funds to those (AMD) and Fuchs’ disease patients that cannot afford the cost of treatments and lodging
  5.      Anti-Aging Program– World Stem Cell Institute after years of research are close to having a new adult stem cell line  that would not only repair the damaged organs but could replace them and extend your life, looking younger with better health. We want to help people move back to a generation!!!
  6. Education on health and quality of life improvement issues Program— To make available products and education to the public to improve their health, self esteem, and financial position in life.



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